Connect for Respect—Bullying
Connect for Respect (C4R) is National PTA’s initiative to help students, parents and educators to create school climates full of safe and supportive peer relationships.
Research shows that one of the most effective ways to prevent bullying behavior is to create a positive school climate. School climate encompasses everything that contributes to a student's experience with a school—from the physical building to policies, staff and peer culture. Positive school climates exist in schools where students, families and educators all work collaboratively to build a culture of respect.
Use the Connect for Respect (C4R) Toolkit to guide your PTA/PTSA on ways to engage students in improving the school climate and reducing bullying.
The C4R Toolkit
- Get started. Walk through a step-by-step process for engaging students, parents and educators in Connect for Respect while learning about all of the tools National PTA and its partners have available for you.
- Build a team. Invite students, teachers, community members and parents to work together in improving school climate. Give students a leadership role.
- Assess the current school climate. Take inventory of the current challenges and strengths of your school climate and chart your progress.
- Engage the school community in dialogue. Bring students, parents and school leaders together for a productive discussion and brainstorm on ways to overcome weaknesses found in assessment.
- Develop an action plan. Create a plan that educates and empowers students, families and the broader school community around bullying prevention and safe school environments.
- Educate and empower students, families and the community. Sustain your efforts over time by convening a C4R team that works on this issue throughout the school year.