Message 1:
Our first and most important message to begin our series is to ask our PTAs:
"How are you connecting with your families, students, teachers, administrators, and your community?"
You first must communicate with all of these groups to set the direction of your PTA for the school year. This is vital when creating your budget that helps your PTA determine where you will spend the PTA funds and also help you set your fundraising goals. How can you know what to do when you never ask? Your administation and teachers may have very specific needs this year because of changes to how our children are attending school. PTAs need to communicate this to families and the community so they know what is needed and how they can help.
Most importantly is that our children need us now more than ever! We need to find creative ways to keep them active in education, the arts, and engaged with each other.
* Create art supply kits to send home and share their creations on your social media and web pages. Enroll your PTA in our Reflections program!
* Provide ways vitually that will give our children ways to enage with each other. (Online Cooking Classes; Online Art Classes; Outdoor Events That Follow Current Guidlelines in Place; Online Bingo Events; etc.
* Don't forget to create a Membership Campaign and encourage your families to join the PTA and support your school.
Message 2:
In our first series, we touched on the importance of communication in all aspects. Let's now discuss what we call necessary housekeeping. As a tax exempt association and to remain a PTA, it is very important to maintain your "Standards of Affiliation". If you make sure you maintain and complete these simple items, you remain in "Good Standing" as a PTA. Being in "Good Standing" also means you qualify for National and State grants in addition to being able to participate in all of our PTA programs. It is also a WV Legislative Policy and a requirement from your County Board of Education. You can download our SOA Quick Reference Guide and maintain it in your officer book/file to make sure you are current. WV PTA can guide you through this process and can offer assistance for these items.
Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Items:
Local Unit Officer Form
Membership Dues (for Local Units)
Financial Review/Audit
Copy of IRS 990 Form
Proof of General Liability and Bonding Insurance